Never Trust A Zionist

These Zionist demonic Israelis are so evil even their shadows are ashamed of them but trapped by them doomed to go down in history for being the most disgusting heartless monsters ever walked this earth, there is nothing they won't do to spread disinformation around them so they can continue to contribute to wickedness and corruption on this planet, this is what the terrorist organization IDF is teaching them to do, how can anyone not being disgusted by this unless you are like them, good people on the other hand would distance themselves and disassociate themselves from them unless you are of those with no shame then you can do not only this but even worse things, I have said it many times in the past, never ever trust a word they have to say, if they say it's daylight know that It's actually evening and dark where these evil creatures like to dwell, these people will lie about anything to keep the world at dark never to see light of the sun.
