Not In Good Faith

Dear President Erdogan !
I am learning that within weeks you are going to decide if Sweden become a member of Nato or not, I would very much like you to deny them membership, with Sweden as a member of Nato would most definitely not improve the possibility for wider peace, it will not benefit the Swedish people, they are under the hypothesis of something very evil and wicket in that country which the Swedish people are completely unaware of, I know it first hand, I have been targeted by it, and because I truly like the Swedish people I really do I feel I have a responsibility to protect them from themselves, I have lived there for 37 years, I have seen how those crazy lunatics in charge of their mainstream media have been brainwashing their people to the point that I myself stopped watching their mainstream media on tv around 25 years ago or I would get so frustrated that I couldn't handle the stress of it, it was that annoying.
Sweden is not at a good place right now, they are going through some rather difficult times and this evil wicked cult running the place is taking advantage of the chaos in the country, last thing they need is to get distracted with what Nato has caused and moreover what is about to cause with their support of the Zionist murderous movement, so I don't see what good it would be with the Zionists taking full control of Sweden too, I don't see how it would benefit the Swedes themselves and the wider Muslim world, with you accepting them into Nato it would only benefit Shaytanyaboo and his dark overlord, have Sweden as a member when Shaytanyaboo is out if office and put on trial for his crimes against humanity not before that, I am asking you make a wise choice here and don't give in on pressure from any side, be strong be fair and may God help you along the way, Inshallah thank you.
