Old Friends New Beginnings


Why are not interviewing these Jewish scholars Fox News, why are you preventing the American people to learn what Judaism has to say about all this, we know why, you like to keep the Jews ignorant of the facts so you can keep on using them for your own Zionist purposes, have them either converted or killed, you say you are friends of Jews, what kind of friendship are you offering them by only leaving them two choices, die or embrace us, that's not friendship, that's what you say to your captives, and you have truly captivated their minds but as you can see not all of them, the Jews want to be friends with the Muslims and you are conspiring your best for the Jews and the Muslims to mutually kill each other off, this obvious by now, because you lie in your reposts, you twist facts to suit your narrative, you misrepresent you repeat disinformation anything you can to keep your war machine pumping out ever more weapons and at the same time you claim to be followers of the Christ as peace makers and you think you are exceptional and blessed to have this empire of yours, you see this as a blessed from above and that you should continue this destructive path of yours because it has worked so far, not taking in count how many souls you have killed, you live in an upside down world, look I have said it thousand times before, I am not your enemy, I want what's good for you, you don't know what's good for you, the things I mentioned above us the things you think is good for you, and because if your delusional way of reasoning you are causing harm not only to yourself but to the rest of the world too, what's good for you is to reverse course back to sanity this would do you and the rest of the world much good, please America I am a friend to you I am a fan, you have very nice people when one get the chance to know them, I know of this first hand but unfortunately you are being manipulated thinking you have to conspire to have these two groups the Jews and the Muslims to mutually beneficial to you destroy each other, I don't think you will succeed with that as long as we have these Jewish scholars resisting with great courage, may God bless these good Jews.
