Poisonous Waters


A question in my mind and many of you friends out there is, how can the Jews who went through all this oppression from what happened in Germany to them and going further back in time how can they turn around and commit such horrible atrocities against those whom the can now, I want to say I know a little bit about their history and I came to this conclusion that the people who oppressed them didn't wake up one morning and said let's go after the Jews, I can give you an exempel here from the first time the children of Israel (Jacob) really messed up a good thing they had going for themselves, when Prophet Jacob was invited from Cannan to Egypt after his son Josef had become the second most powerful person after the king himself, Prophet Jacob moved to Egypt with his other eleven sons, the same wicket sons who thought they had managed to kill their little brother Josef, Josef forgave them and because he was in a position of power in Egypt he had some of the best fertile lands in Egypt for his brothers to settle at and they did good for a while, but soon these brothers of his started to corrupt where they were living and used the position of their brother Josef in the government to do all kinds of nasty practices to the point that the Egyptians rose up and enslaved them for 400 years, that was the first time the tribes of Israel (Jacob) messed up in the land they were living in, and for you who know more if their history they just couldn't stop themselves and misbehaved through out time, they messed up in Germany too and angered the Germans and here came Hitler and the rest is history, so you see this 12 tribes of Israel for the most part I don't want to generalize cannot just go along with other people, and now that they have superiority over others you can see how bad of a hostage takers such horrible occupiers they are and this is happening in modern times, they still behave like savages, teaching their children to commit genocide against other children, I mean who teaches their kids to kill other kids, I must repeat myself, they are doomed for fail to fall and this time fall hard and frankly speaking it will be justified because you all can see how cruel and sadistic they are and they are not even ashamed of it in fact proud of how they are treating people, I have no empathy for people who doesn't see the humanity dignity of others who they have subjected, of course I don't mean all Jews, we have plenty of super good Jews, people I would have taken a bullet for but these others I wouldn't mind wasting bullets on to be honest, because we have seen predators animals displaying kindness towards other animals but these Ultra Zionist Jewish Israelis, they are a whole other demonic creatures not belonging walk the same ground as the rest of us, that's how I feel about them.
