Problem Solving Sunny

You at Fox news and alike have a problem you fear bring it up because you believe if it gets talked about more around peoples kitchen tables this won't be beneficial for you because there is a lot of truth in it and you fear the truth to come out, your problem us you don't want to mention most of those opposing your Zionist ideologi are your own American people, your own Christians your own Jews your own secular citizens and yes some from Middle Eastern countries, but you want to paint this problem of yours in solely on your Muslim population in America, this is the mistake you are making and one of the reasons you do this is because you know you have lost against the truth so you do what you do to buy you some more time in hope that the trend will turn around which it won't, that ship has sailed buddy it's gone with the trade winds and currents and it ain't coming back, this ship has sailed on the mission to transform the world.
And please people are not stupid, the more they listen to your disinformation the more they're opposing your Zionist point if view, with every man you Zionist radicalize to stand on your side three ir four others get deprogrammed deradicalized to finally oppose you stronger and more powerfully than other peers because they have opened their eyes to years after years of your disinformation and people don't like to be lied to, people take matters like this very personal its most offensive, it's like being emotionally abused and violated so naturally people that wake up later are those whom will oppose you more fiercely, this is your problem at Fox news and alike, Zionism is an outdated lie out of fashion and frankly speaking eazy to debunk, so you do what you need to do and we on this side do what we need to do and let's see who will take home the big price, I predict I will win this thing so I hereby take the pleasure to declear myself the Winner and if you want advice how to lick your wound you can call me on 555-gofuckyourself and I'll be at your service.
