Promote The One State Solution !!!

I hope these educational gatherings inform the Jews that first of all Zionism is the opposite of Judaism and that Jews and Palestinians lived in perfect harmony not just in the Holy Land but all over the Middle East before the establishment of the Zionist terrorists entity occuping the Holy Land and made a mess not seen in s very long time, many occupiers has come and go the unholy Zionist terrorist regime will be included in that list for sure it's an absolute certainty.
Things will go back to how things used to be when people used to trust one another as neighbors and helped each other out when called for, not like anything we have today, you can blame the Zionist ideologi this cancer brought from outside into this body structure that was caused nothing but misery for all around it.
I need you dear readers to do something here, from no in never ever again even entertaine the idea of anything but a One State solution, if they bring up the thought of anything but this shut the conversation down right there, because it's designed to by the Zionist movement more time to corrupt and steal more of what they already have stolen, we need to popularize the idea of one state for all who like to go back to how things used to be before we all got culturally sick and weakened, do not give air time for those who would like to waste peoples time and while they are wasting efforts people are dying suffering and nothing goes in the right direction but the opposite, so it's time to end this discussion of a two state illusion fir it to never be heard again, again friends it's time to drive the conversation towards the right direction and stop playing around, the Zionist of course do not want to make efforts towards the correct direction to end wars because they're directly benefitting from it, what's in their best interest is not your best interest so do not hesitate to make life difficult for them and you start by shutting down any conversation that promotes a two state illusion, the path to bring them all down is very simple and easy, it only requires of you to not go along with their plans it's that simple, good luck 
