Reconsider Your Choices

Zionism has always been the enemy of people of faith before they infiltrated the Jews and the Christians but at its core of those in charge of the Zionist movement they are neither Jews or Christians, just watch the "Christian" Zionists on Fox news anothers who cannot speak the truth around anything but are costant warmongers pretending to care about the Jews while their core beliefs is that at the end times the Jews will have two choices by their doctoring, they either convert to their belief or get wiped out, it's a very jihadi extremist mindset it leaves you according to them no choice and we know the Jews historically will never convert to any form of Christian sect because the Jews and rightly so will never accept the concept of Trinity with three gods when the Jews have been told in clear language there is only one God and this Gid is unlike anything in His creation, meaning He cannot be a man a human being, and I agree with them, so knowing that we know the Zionist Christians then in reality leave the Jews only one option, get wiped out, so I don't understand why even some of the Jews for any reason would reach out to Fox news and alike when they seek to have you wiped out, the Islamic belief is that as long as the Jews keep firmly to the old covenant made between God and them they will be alright, and historically the Jews were always protected among Muslims now for them to turn on those who have protected them in those who doesn't seek to either convert them or having them wiped out but instead reaching out to those who seek the opposite of what the Muslims want is a question not that hard to answer, it's very simple answers, it has to do with the nature of the Jews to be fully honest, anyone who were their actual friends throughout history they back stabbed, look how they treated Prophet Moses, you know the story, look how they are speaking about the Muslims who have always been good to them they eventually will go to those with false promises made to them, not all Jews are ignorant as many of them, there are those wiser Jews who are warning the other Jews if the colossal mistake they are making again and the horrific terrible cost that can come out if it, the kind of high cost those at Fox news have played out for them, either convert to their belief and give up the idea of one God or get wiped out by the enemies the Zionist created for you, the Zionist at Fox news are not dumb people, they are very clever in fact, they created the problem and are offering you the solution they know you won't accept, so what does this leave you, a war that you are made to believe you can win in which you are wrong, because no occupying force has been to stay in the Holy Land for long before another took it's place, Zionism will be another of those outside forces who also will be forced out to be replaced with something else, so you see you Zionist Israelis, you made a deal with the Devil with those who care not for your scriptures and do you still think God will be pleased with you after this like many other historical mistakes you have made in the past, I like Prophet Moses and like many of your own am trying to reason with you, to make you realize you have made a big mistake but the choice is yours to make so will the consequences of your actions, you will own it all, I am telling you, the Muslims wants you no harm, they are not looking forward to take anything from you, the settlers well we have other plans for them, they sold their souls to the Devil long ago, their account is different from the rest of the Jews, they will face harsh punishment for all their crimes but the rest of the Jews if they give up supporting the Zionist terrorist movement you have nothing to worry about, and trust me when I say, war is coming a war that will not rest till the Holy Land is liberated, it can cost whatever it might cost, the end result will be as I said the Holy Land liberated, make a wise choice here, listen to your soul ten make a decision which side you stand, I wish you all the best.
