Silent Client

I have very little faith in politicians due to their own lack of taking action when people need them as most, but every now and then they give me a tiny amount of hope like in this case only after 12000 dead innocent civilians with 50000 injured in a concentration camp like Gaza, I don't know if one should get more angry at them for not making themselves heard before so many died and after it reflected bad at them as politicians, them speaking up now I don't know how much that's worth or should we still take any good companied them and go along with it, it's a hard question, people need to understand one thing here, the lived of Palestinas are worth as any other and isn't it better that they remain in their own land than being forced migrating to European countries, so why are some of these far rightwingers for bombing them when they know some of these refugees will end up in their own countries, the rightwingers should be the ones opposing these colonial wars more than anyone else.
Let's go back to politicians, we expect more of you to be proactive and act before such events go out of hand and become a larger issue, I still cannot give up on hope for things to get better but one hand makes no sound.
