The Final Countdown

Listen to these Zionist stooges misleading their audience of what's going on with the hostage swap, he is lying about the Palestinians in Zionist Israeli prisons being convinced terrorists, this is an absolute lie, they are not convinced of anything, the satanic Israeli real terrorist kidnapped Palestinian women and children and now they are swapping them with Israeli women and others, civilians for civilians, but the Zionists on their corrupt mainstream media is telling you the Palestinians in Israeli dungeons are convinced terrorists, look this goes to prove not one word out of these Zionist murderous criminals are ever tru but lie after another lie.
It will be an absolute pleasure to do everyone around the world a huge favor including these Zionist in the US by wiping the Zionist murderous Israeli settlers and their military base of the map so they don't feel they have to come in air and constantly lie about everything all the time, because then they have no reason to cover for the real terrorists which is the IDF and their demonic settlers, it will be a pleasure destroying this unholy imposter this racist apartheid regime of Zionist Israel.
