The Khazar Theory Is Not A Theory

I am glad he acknowledged the fact but of course it changes everything, sure one can convert to Judaism but it doesn't mean you are a Hebrew, a Semite, it only mean you canged your religion from whatever to Judaism and that's fine, you can subscribe to any religion you want, what you cannot do is after you have converted to Judaism as an Ukrainian or Russian or whatever that you now can make claim in peoples land in the Middle East, that you have no rights to, and if you still say you do then you are insane and have to be treated as such, my solution is simply and most fair, more fair than some deserve, I say if you do not support the Zionist terrorist Israeli entity in any shape or form as a Khazar Jew, if you leave the Holy Land when the great war starts, after the defeat of the Zionist murderous Israelis in the Holy Land, you are allowed even as a Khazar to return with your property in tact and not touched, but if you choose to remain and resist, first of all if you manage to survive you will be sent to the sea as sharkfood, there will be no mercy for you, because then you have more blood on your hands than you had before and this is unforgivable I hope you understand, some of you will understand most of you don't I know that, so it will remain to see who will win this thing, it won't be you zombies, the Holy Land will be liberated then we are going to have a huge party.
Jesus prophesied this will happen, with people who will come and say they are Jews but are not they are the synagog of Satan, it's in the scriptures.
My proposal is most fair, leave the Holy Land, oppose Zionism, work with us be with us and you will be treated as kings and queens, I promise.
