We The 99% Against Zionism


I want my dear readers to fundamentally understand something here if you do that then you will see the bigger picture of what massive amount of systemic circulation of corruption we are dealing with here, the Zionist on the right side of politics I don't want to call them conservative because they are anything but, these Zionists in the Republican Party in particular are the same so called Patriots that told the newly formed Iranian government back in 1979 NOT to release the US hostages to ensure the defeat of the Carter administration and have the US personnel released on the day Regan got inaugurated, this is a historical fact alright, this is the same so called conservative patriots that say anyone but them are the real Americans everyone else are traitors, let's not forget that, these are the same people crying wolf, and these are the same Zionists who created and funded Hamas to undermine the peace process by constantly have a villain they need to fight for peace to be a distant question that never seems to be urgent because first we have another always another war to win first, these Zionists are the same people and I am talking about Shaytanyaboo and his party to assassinated Rabin the Israeli prime minister who was close to make peace with the Palestinians.
I hope you understand where I am trying to take you to with this, in case you still haven't got the point yet, let me make it even easier for you, the Zionists do NOT want peace, their objectives are to kill or drive every single Palestinian out of their so called promised land from river Jordan to the Mediterranean sea in fact according to their thoughts it goes all the way down to Iraq and the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates, that's their objective make no mistake, this is what they want, just like this latest war was something they looked forward too also, you need to understand more over here, as long as the Zionist terrorist Israeli ideology is up and standing we will be ever more closer to a world war and more sufferings along the way till they have started this world war, what happens after that well who knows perhaps we will fight the next war or wars with stones and sticks, we are not there yet, look I am not naive, I want this Zionist terrorist Israeli entity this military base to be destroyed before they have the whole planet under their satanic rule, these Zionists act and say they never wanted this war or any war but in fact as I have explained and many others too, they are the conspirators behind it all, I am just honest and openly expose their plans and honestly say I want it defeated before they finalize their grand satanic plans they have for you for me for the Jews for the Christians for the Muslims and for the rest of mankind, because these Zionists are neither of these, it's a luciferian ideology, they are not conservative neither liberals neither followers any if Abrahamic faiths, if you have understood what I have said here then good for you but then the question is , what are you gonna do about it, are you going to still buy some or all if their Zionist lies and fight others who like you are mislead or are you gonna be a constructive person and lead the masses against this anti human Zionist ideologi in a smart way, I hope you wise up sooner and recognize, it's WE as a collective regardless of faith race or whatever against Zionism, it should be that simple, it's not hard it's very simple my friend, we against Zionism, good luck now.
