We Can Do Better Than This


I think as and I am speak on my own behalf and those who shares my values, I think as people who would like to stand on the side of true justice not a hypocritical one we shouldn't be afraid to criticize our own when we see something out of line something that we have previously spoken against even if this critisizm at first hand seems to hurt us if we shed light on it, we shouldn't be like the Zionist hypocrites who never ever mention any of their wrong doings but also blame others when they have seen things like crimes against humanity from on their side, we should be the opposite of what they are, because I and I hope you too fear God more than what these Zionist hypocrites has to say about us, we shouldn't seek to look for pleasing them or anyone else but our Creator because any mercy and any true final victory comes from our Lord and He doesn't like lying hypocrites.
So I must make my case clear, I do not support Hamas, for many reasons, one is they seems to commit same old mistakes of their past, this tells me they have a systemic problem that even with time they have not been able to solve, this is of course very problematic, I cannot understand how terrible they conducted themselves when they broke out of their consentration camp Gaza and shot civilians, abducted elderly people children and even foreigners, I mean how stupid do you have to be to do that, couldn't they see how negative the optics of that would be, what the world would say about that, I don't believe for a moment the Zionist propaganda that they raped women and beheaded babies and the rest of it, but we know they shot civilians in a most savage manner, and these people pretend they are representing Islam and the way of my Prophet, we have very clear rules of war, and Hamas fighters broke basically ever single one of them, this tells me they betrayed God and His messengers, so I don't see how God will bless these people in the future, and if you are of those who say Hamas is blameless I am sorry to say you are misguided least said too, Hamas could if they had brains to actually follow the rules of how real Muslims conduct war, Hamas could have done things much easier for the Palestinians and us on this side who are trying to weaken the Zionist narrative, on this Hamas failed badly and I have no hope they will improve on these matters, again I don't see God blessing them to victory, and I don't see how Palestinians in general could ever break free from the shackles of their oppressors because they keep chosing one terrible leaders after another, and prove me wrong, have their situation improve the past 75 years or have they always been on the loosing side constantly, so naturally something else has to happen I think and the solution will not come from the Palestinians themselves, it will come from the outside, so from the outside must stop putting hope in the Palestinians themselves and their many fighting factions and start looking for solutions from outside, something that can work for both the Palestinians and the good Jews in the Holy Land, I also Qatar to reevaluate their support for Hamas because let's again be honest here, they have not been anything but trouble with their actions, they could if they had the competence rushed over the separation wall abducted some military aged Israelis from the settlements got them back and negotiated them for Palestinians in Israeli dungeons and Hamas would have been viewed as heros, but they couldn't even do a simple thing like that instead we have what we have with them, because they are in the extreme side of things, to be in the extreme side of anything wouldn't benefit any cause, so we have to reevaluate our stance too and distance ourselves from any extreme thoughts.
With us or me being critical as I am doesimean this will weaken us, on the contrary, this will make us much stronger because only the truth in its entirety will set us free and all the positive changes that will come with it, if you also share my vision you shouldn't be afraid to lose anything in fact this will only prove to you that you are doing the right thing here and God is observing and will favor you for at least not being a hypocrite, and with God favoring you comes the final victory in this life and next, this is what I believe and if you share my belief then God bless you too my friend, the future looks bright trust me don't worry about anything order will be restored with the help of God.
