Zionism Is A Costly Affair


Very interesting, love the show and the guests.
By now the whole world has seen how the Zionist terrorists Israelis are programming their kids to kill Palestinian children, I mean how vile and disgusting is it to see children sing and boast about killing other children on national Israeli tv no wonder when their children sing and cheer about shedding blood then you watch their growups execute these slogans and actually murder Palestinian children, murder journalist, shoot at ambulances, bomb schools and these Zionist murderous satanic Israelis won't even have mercy on hospitals, people need to come in terms with Mordor is actually this unholy imposter apartheid regime of Zionist Israel, don't fool yourselves, as long as this evil exist there will be no peace on this planet, as long as Zionism exist there will be corruption all ver the world, in every single county, if you want to end corruption in your country you need to make sure this satanic Zionist demonic imposter occupying the Holy Land is defeated and wiped out, evil like this has never manifested in this world before in human history, we are in new territory historically speaking, I have no doubt this evil will be defeated I am sure of it what I want is the rest of the world stop sleepwalking be of help and eradicate this Zionist cancer sooner and as costeffective painless as humanly possible.
You have seen how the representatives of the Zionist terrorist Israeli regime is lying right in your faces with no shame, have you ever heard anything truthful coming from them, I haven't and that's how they are like demon possessed human zombies when they are asked to answer a simple question we all know the answer to how they just refuse to acknowledge what we have in video something like the footage from the Apache helicopter shooting on what it looked like Israeli civilians on the ground, and there are do many times and daily lies that one loose track off every day it's something new, the good thing is people and indeed waking up and the Zionist are loosing the media war and people that last year wouldn't imagine say anything negative about the Zionist are speaking up so that's nice, when they have been weakened then they will lose the ground war as well then the whole world can take a breather and wit no Zionist influencing governments and elected officials that will be the end of corruption on this planet too, then humanity will be free to concentrate on scientific innovations and all good mornings to come, it really will be times to live on at that time, it will be great.
