Zionists vs Palestine 0-9


The Israeli terrorist organization IDF has lost all credibility, how can anyone take them seriously when they don't even allow an international independent agency to look if there are these so called Hamas command centers under these hospitals, and seriously how many command centers does this tiny resistance group Hamas have according to this Israeli terrorist organization IDF, it's silly, and I bet you now that they have stormed this hospital too they are gonna take over the same AK-47 and the same handgranaters over here and that's their evidence and let's not forget the laptops too lol yeah Hamas forgot their laptops too, and the Zionist just forgot to show what secrets they found in it, I bet you all after the Zionist Israeli terrorist organization IDF reads this tomorrow they gonna cook up a story about they found how Hamas was going to make chemical weapons and perhaps nuclear too lol 
I don't mean to give the terrorists new material to make new propaganda with but they are so bad at what they do I thought let's give them something for us laugh at, and I am not worried about who is winning the media war, we are a light year ahead of them at this point so let them have this laptop story too, they can have it who cares, I am feeling generous today.
But I still think the international community should pressure the Zionists to have intendent groups to get in and find out if what the Zionist regime us claiming is true or not, I think these questions should at least be brought up in the media and if it come to be true then fine, a score for the Zionists, if they are confident why not let people take a look and verify their claims.
