A Brainwashed Pastor


I don't think Jesus would have approved of a whole nation that not only didn't believe him but also of a nation that is secular ( the opposite of Biblical definition) a nation that has homosexual parades in it and protected by law of the nation, a nation that mocks him and his mother in national tv saying the most disgusting disrespectful things about him and his mother, a nation that oppress Christians to have them worship in their chuyin peace, a nation that kill civilians indiscriminately, if a people that murder people to steal theirs homes, of a nation that teaches their children to commit genocide and sing about it in national tv, a nation that shoot mother's and their children inside christian churches, this pastor is no Christian, he is a Zionist first then perhaps something else, this pastor is another version synagog of Satan, real Christians need to distance themselves from these Zionists.
