An Honest Ashkenazi

An honest Ashkenazi person, love it, as I have been saying, our dear Ashkenazis are NOT Hebrew NOT Semitic NO connection to the Holy Land and the Middle East, they are of European decent, so what are they doing in the Holy Land kicking out the real inhabitants of the land claiming it for themselves, it's insane convincing yourself you're of a certain race when you're not, who is it you really should be angry at, not the Palestinians that's for sure, they never did anything to you, your anger should be directed elsewhere, sure if you want to adapt Judaism as your religion nobody object to that, but then coming and claim God gave you someone elses land in the Middle East when you're an European well then we have a huge problem here, I hope you understand.
As I have stated, the Zionists will be forced out if the Holy Land in peace or in chaos, on land or back to the sea, I am not negotiating in this, this is how it's gonna be.
The good and polite Ashkenazis will be allowed to stay in their homes if they do not aid the terrorist organization IDF when time comes, the not so polite ones, well it will be what they chosen for their fates and when it comes to fate of Shaytanyaboo and his cronies, I have thought about another option for them, a third way to be kicked out if the Holy Land, if they are captured alive that is, I thought about putting them on top of an ICBM and shoot them up in the space, it's always that third option too.
