Anything For A Paycheck

Aren't you getting of the Zionist globalist putting their black and brown front men in this case woman to have you convinced to trust that they want have said to the public while they continue to wage war on humanity and corrupt the whole world, it's become a sort of a trend in the western world today, and here you have another consumer in form of this one.
They have accused Hamas for necromancy beheading babies raping women burning people alive without presenting one single evidence for any of it, isn't that amazing, of course the Zionists need people like these women on the mainstream media to spread these lies and for a paycheck they gladly sold their souls to the Synagog of Satan, look if they weren't losing the media war they wouldn't go to these lengths to make up such lies, they are forced to sensationelize lies like what you're hearing and they also rely on dumb people to believe their lies, they can fool old folks not the younger ones meaning they have lost future generations which is perfectly fine by me.
Democracy is fine when these human devils are gone, while around its another tool to keep the Matrix up and running, don't expect better from them.
