At Least He Tried

The Zionist Jewish lobbying of the White House has reached a whole new bizaare  level with a US president who said he loves Israel but don't agree with any of its policies, can someone explain what this means please, the only explanation I have is we are dealing with some kind of spell some kind of black magic or something more bezaare than that, or just money, it could be something as simple as money too, or a combination of it all who the hell knows we are living indeed in a bezarro world where nothing make sense anymore, we have this Zionist murderous Israeli terrorist organization IDF dripping 2000 pound bumb bombs indiscriminately on a concentration camp they have walked in murdering anyone at sight sniping mother's with their children and the world leaders cheer this on, something drastic need to be done because this world these corrupt leaders have created for us is getting worse by the day, they have lost any credibility they had in my view, they're good for nothing, they can never again be trusted with anything, not a word from them regarding anything can be taken seriously anymore and nothing they say in the future can be taken seriously too, this we have to make sure of
