Back To The Sea

And when I say I wouldn't mind driving these settlers in to the sea you say otherwise, listen buddy, for someone to become an extremist takes a long time of brainwashing, it's NOT something you can rewire in a short time, I would say a real extremist that is ready to kill other human beings will always be threat to society a ticking time bomb, it takes lot of efforts and everything has to be perfectly times to have any chance to rewire an extremist with taste for blood human or not, this is my experience with these people, and these Zionist murderous settlers are exactly the worse of the worse there is, I mean think about it, first they come from cross the world being invited to settle when the wise world didn't want anything to do with them, the good Palestinians opened their homes to them, shortly after they were either forced out or murdered then forced out because these Europeans had convinced themselves God gave that land to them, because they are just so well mannered, and as if they did ask themselves why they don't look anything like these Middle Eastern folks, of course they didn't openly asked themselves, because the land is now theirs for the taking, who cares just take the land and shoot anyone questioning it and ask why I murdered that man that woman that child that family later when I feel like it.
I think I understand the mindsets of people because it one of my interests to see through what a man is made of, and u can't help myself looking into the soulless of zombies, so my solution is, let them feel some of the pain they are causing others, look I don't know how exactly this is going to end, I know this occupying settlers and the satanic Zionist ideologi will be driven out if the Holy Land, the land route or the sea route, I don't think they will sink into the ground or fly away, it's only two ways out, the kand or the sea and I in all honesty believe it's gonna be the sea route, the reason I don't believe it's gonna be the kand route is because I don't think any of these countries would accept them in their lands after how they treated the Palestinians when they were invited in when the whole world rejected them, so I think they will leave the save route they came in from, in a boat or without one, but it's gonna be the way they came from and you all know me, I love animals I am very animal friendly, I also believe our seas are fished out and this leaves the shark to the brink if starvation, so why not do two good deeds at one time, first I say we liberate the Holy Land then feed the sharks then also because no other country really want these settlers anyway, I don't think even Poland want these creatures they first got rid of, why would they want this plague back right again, I know I have Polish people reading thing this, tell me the truth, you don't want them am I right. The answer came as a big no, so with my proposal we have resolved three major issued for mankind in one move, it's a win win win situation.
Am I a genius or what, no politician could ever have done what I just did, I know I would have been a terrible politician, but I do speak the truth ! this you can count on always.

These settlers really pisses me of I'll tell you, because they are after blood.
