Bad Time With Bill Maher

The little respect I had for Bill Maher is forever down in the drain, I am so very disappointed with him for using his platform to spread disinformation to whitewash the exact crimes of the Zionist Israeli regime and its own citizens are commiting in the Palestinians.
Here Bill wants you to believe it's the Palestinian Muslims fault Betlehem is deprived of Christians when it's the exact opposite in reality, the reason the Christians are leaving the Holy Land is not because of the Muslims but the Zionist Israeli Jews, it is not the Muslims who harrass Christians by closing their churches, it's not the Muslims who are blocking the Christians to go to their churches, it's not the Muslims who insult, spit on Christians on the streets of the Holy Land, its not the Muslims who beat up Christians over there and it's not the Muslims who air bomb Christian churches in Gaza, it was not the Muslims who bombed the Babtist hospital in Gaza, Bill doesn't want you to remember who did and who are behind all these crimes, the reason Christians are leaving Betlehem is because unlike the Muslims, the Christians are have much better opportunities to seak asylum in western countries, that's why the Christians are leaving because of the constant harassment by the Zionist Israeli Jews not because of the Muslims.
I ask of you friends reading this to remind the world by making videos to debunk the propaganda of this disgraceful lying Zionist Bill Maher, I knew he was hateful and a lying piece of garbage but blaming the Muslims in the Holy Land for the exact crimes his Zionist Israeli Jews are commiting is a new low I honestly didn't think he would sink to but now we have witnessed it, and when he is trying to say well people get conquered and have to live with it, I want you friends to save this video to replay it when the Holy Land is liberated and use the same argument against himself, like, shit happens buddy you have been driven into the sea, too bad deal with it, that's the language these synagog of Satan followers understand apparently, one cannot reason with such scums you need to use the same language they understand, at the same time the world must condemn the disinformation of these Zionists and not letting them get away with such deceivefull disgusting lies, if you let them lie like that letting them murdering women and children like that and let them getting away with it you only embolding them to commit only bigger crimes in the future like we are witnessing today, the Zionist Israeli and their cronies are getting worse and worse by the year and it's not hard to predict how this is going to end, it's going to end with a major conflict with one side wiped out and I say it's gonna be the synagog of Satan.

In case you wonder why I don't use the name Palestine when I refer to the Holy Land is because not even in the Holy Quran God never even ones refered to the Holy Land as Palestine but always used Holy Land and I predict when the Zionist terrorists are defeated with only the good Jews and Muslims are left standing they will name their new paradise as Holy Land, this is the name God used and this is the name for it, and it will be so no doubt about it so you also need to start using the right name if you want to on the right side and become successful in your struggle to have the Zionists defeated and the sooner you start doing these things the end of people suffering there will come lot quicker and not least the end of global tyranny because as I have stated, peace in the Holy Land is world peace.
