Ben Shapiro ADMITS He's Genocidal

When these Zionist Jews feel comfortable as you can see they open up and express their true thoughts and it always get to how they would like to wipe people out kill everyone in their path in the most disgusting way, you see Shapiro here expressing genocidal methods how he would like things to get his way you see Zionist Israelis from civilians to their elected officials echo the same feelings and for some damn reason when you criticize these Zionist murderous satanic Israeli lunatics people get scared of them when they call you an anti semite, it is unbelievable that people still care what these human devils say or not, again I hen they are comfortable that's when you see their true demonic faces.
I have said how I see things will end up for the Zionist Israelis in the Holy Land, I am confident war will break out, not between nation states but from many within the Resistance movement, they will gather a d run over the Zionists in the Holy Land, they will be victorious of course, there will be fightings it will not be pretty, those of the enemies will try to flee not by land route but back to the sea from where they came from, at that time there will be no single county that would take the leftover Zionists into their countries, I bet not one single county would take these creatures, they will drift in the oceans till who knows what will happen to them thereafter, this is what I saw when I looked into my very special cristal ball, for the good Jews Ashkenazi or not they will be welcome back to the Holy Land and worship the Creator as it was meant to be in peace very polite and in good faith with their neighbors, people will be happy and everything is just great with no more Zionists around to conspire trouble and make life miserable for all, if you like the concept of what I am painting you should trongly consider to sight up to the Anti Zionist Resistance m be part of the good guys and be nice, that's what I would have done.
