Enough Is Enough


The Zionist murderous satanic Israeli entity is too proud and too sure of itself otherwise they wouldn't have publicly bragged about how they are planning to sell Gaza land to potential buyers to develop luxury hotels golf courses and such.
Look friends I am fully aware of what some of you are saying about me, that I am religious fanatic that I am a person hard to deal with an undiplomatic man a hard headed person so on so forth, I would describe myself more of a realist with high sense of moral, my morality doesn't let me to allow criminals like the Zionist Israelis to get away with what they are doing, what they are doing is insulting everyone with any sense of higher moral guidence and sense of justice and my realist sense of view only project one scenario how to deal with these satanic Zionist Israelis and its simple, one need to speak the language they understand, one has to be as ruthless as they are to deal with them, being a pacifist is being naive, I am not naive and no fool, I recognize the danger of the Zionist movement as a threat to all of humanity which I have excluded the Zionists from, I recognize them as Synagog of Satan, because we have never seem anyone being so ruthless so proudful in the crimes they are committing right out in the open just because they're hiding behind the US who it seems to be siding them with whatever they need to insult the intelligence and insulting the essence of humanity we all share, I am fed up with the insults, I am fed up with the heavy cost the Zionist murderous movement it has inflicted on mankind, it's not just one issue but it seems to be a neverending problem with this satanic ideologi of the Zionists, if you share my view of the whole thing you need to make this issue your absolute first priority to have solved, there are a few good steps we can start with, first by driving a global to local campaigns to boycott ALL brands active in the Holy Land, it is not enough with Judy boycotting the brands that supports the Zionist regime, we have to boycott ALL brands active there and do our best to achieve this, next step is awaken as many as you can to the threat of Zionism to all of mankind, next step and the most important one is to when the time is right invade and liberate the Holy Land from the Synagog of Satan and make them pay a price that will be historically unprecedented that's how you deal with followers of Satan, look what I am saying is exactly what the Synagog of Satan is openly saying they want to do with us, so why don't we say it right back at them but more forcefully and in a more serious manner and mean what we're saying, so go out make efforts organize because this had to have a final end to it and sooner so help us God.
