From Darkness To Light

What these Zionist agents on the View will never admit to is, there are tons of Jewish students that are protesting long side the free world, what these hypocrites on the View are not mentioning is the when Orthodox Jews clarifying the fact that anti Zionism is not anti semitism, the View and it's Zionist overlords deliberately mixing these two things, they are failing, read the comment section the viewers don't agree with their Zionist narrative but they are ordered to still push their Zionist agenda.

I know how to solve this, take a DNA test from the Ashkenazi Jews and see if they are semitic at all, if they aren't Semites then they shouldn't be offended.
Look we know the Jews have never mixed outside their race until a very small percentage of them, so naturally they should have strong Semitic bloodline tracing their origin to the Middle East, which we know the Ashkenazis don't, their origin is of European decent, couple of hundreds years ago they convert to Judaism and now they claim the Holy Land belongs to them, talk about khotzba on these people, most outrageous, I am not at all trying to offend all Ashkenazis, I am just stating the facts.
My solution is the only one that will eventually work and here is how it's gonna go. There will be an armed uprising by the Believers, I don't see neither Iran or any other nation states doing anything against the Zionist terrorist Israeli regime, because their main purpose is doing business as usual, they don't care, nobody cares, the only ones who do care is the regular Resistance who will rise up and start marching towards the Holy Land, they will manage to defeat the Zionist murderous satanic Israelis, after that because the Resistance are nice and fair, they will allow the nice Ashkenazis who didn't take part in the oppression of the Palestinians to stay there as if it was their land too and will live there in peace with their neighbors whether they are Muslims or Christians or something else like any other nice people ever after, this is how I see the this dark chapter as and, I am always right.
