Have You Seen Anything Evil As This


I have been saying it for longest time, we are dealing with the Synagog of Satan, you are seeing not just their Zionist Israeli citizens call for warcrimes but their elected officials too, this is what they have been saying since 1948 till today, you need to believe them when they say they wouldn't mind nuking the Palestinians kill every last one of them, we are dealing with a psychopathic evil bunch of human devils here, they're not normal human beings they are something else, they are such dumb crooked idiots the families of the captives they are openly saying they want their family members in captivity back after that the war need to be continued to wipe the Palestinians out, I mean how dumb do you have to be when lives of your family members are in the hands of those you go on tv and say you want to kill them all, if I were Palestinian resistance groups I would never had released any of these crazy genocidal Zionist terrorist Israelis, again they are so evil so blood thirsty they don't seems to understand what the hell they are saying these lunatic Zionist Israelis, in my view there is only one solution to this, the Holy Land has to be liberated and make sure not one if these Synagog of Satan leaves the place in one piece, it's clear that if they could they would have murdered every single man woman and child alive, I say they need to taste some of their own medicine.
The world must unite against these Zionist demonic Israelis, it's not just their settlers it's all of them they're all settlers in my view.
Again the world has to be united starting with boycotting any brand active in the Holy Land occupied, this would be a good start, any brand active there needs to be fully boycotted !!!
