Honest Testimonies


You hear these testimonies of the Israeli captives time and time again of how good they were treated by the Palestinians and this after they were released but the Zionist controlled mainstream media and their agents like Gal Gadot and other dishonest thugs either edit their testimonies or just don't broadcast it for people to understand what really happened, instead the Zionist regime agents on the mainstream media put words on their mouths, the world need to open their eyes on what kind of blood thirsty vampires these criminal Zionists are, the Zionists are a direct threat to humanity with all the wars they have been starting killed tens of millions of innocent civilians all around the world, with all the viruses they have unleashed then turn around to sell us the poisonous vaccines, all the financial problems they have created with inflation as results, I say it again Zionism is the worst plague ever unleashed on mankind no doubt and if they are not stopped they will create hell on Earth things will get lot worse than we have now, the Zionists block access to everything good we could have had long ago, you need to do your absolute best to weaken these evil creatures if you want humanity to take the next step to greater hights.
Make this your life mission too, they must be stopped.
