Hypocracy Then Hypocracy Today


We saw the exact affect post 911 when the Zionists blamed the obvious inside job on the Muslims when in the US alone millions of Americans discovered what Islam is, it's happening all over again, this time it will only be more far reaching and more consequential, it's just a shame so many innocent people have to pay with their lives, although the first thing a true Believer realize is that life truly begins after death here, coming in terms with this reality a true Believer wouldn't grief the death of another Believer unless that decided individual was a border line going to hell person, while a child is certain destined for Paradise, nothing to grief there I believe, they got the first class ticket to everlasting peace, reason I say this is, the bad guys can never defeat Believers in life when they don't understand the way of a martyr in the path of justice, at the same time I repeat myself, I don't see Hamas in that path, they fight out if desperation and out if anger, when you fight out if anger you make mistakes that reflects bad in true Believers causing more harm than good, you need to remain collected, this reminds of what I experienced when I visited the shrine of Imam Hosain.
I wanted to write a longer piece than what I am about to say here but here we go.
To visit the shrine of this great martyr Imam Hosain has been a long wish of mine, just to go there and pay my respects and see what new thought comes to my mind, I did so then took a few steps back sat down and I couldn't help myself watching people getting emotional and my first thought was for myself, I see you all coming in masses to hus shrine wearing black pretending you all would stand with him on that day he and his family all were cut down, but would you really, no you wouldn't, 99,99% of you would also abandoned him on the hat day, you wouldn't stand there and defend justice, the best if you at that time, what I saw from people at his shrine were nothing but hypocrites to be honest, that's the feeling I got, then the question was why did you even get there to begin with, well the answer to that would be too long to bring up here.
You see you Muslims who think taking up arms to go and defend the innocents is what every single one of you would do, you wouldn't and if you did you do it out of reasons not related truly to the actual cause you do it mainly for other reasons I better not talk about, more for personal reasons than for the actual cause for anger.
You see the day Imam Hosain got martyred he even tried his best to discourage his followers the night before not to join him the next morning on the battlefield, he told them this is certain death so think careful before you make your decision to whether stand up fight or not and sure think they all but a very few just a handful during the night sneaked off and left the camp, you see a man like that never brainwashed his followers to join him in battle and certain death, not defeat but death. Today any army any armed resistance has to basically brainwash or at least work over the minds of their fighters to on the battlefield trying to be productive and again because their minds have been worked on these fighters fight out if rage hate and anger, then mistakes are committed which is not very productive I say, that's when things are not working optimally as we have seen, this is my critisizm at these armed resistance groups, their leaders are not like the leadership of Imam Hosain neither are the fighters like those handful who stood next to him when they knew they are about to get cut down limbs separated by swords, not like gun fights of today, it's too easy dying nowadays and people are still cowards.
Today Gaza is our Karbala, and who is coming to the rescue of the innocent civilians there, not one of your dear leaders that's for sure as you have seen, they abandoned the innocent then and our of selfpreservation they are doing it today again, so what's all those tears worth they shed when these same hypocrites so called remember Imam Hosain today, I say absolutely nothing, they can all go to Hell for all I care, Hell with them all.
