I Support BDS !


It's just a wonderful idea, ultimately it's up to the people to decide where they want to spend their money at, this BDS initiative should spread stronger around the world, I am myself very conscious where I spend my money, I used to by Nestle coffee daily, now I buy some shitty brand but I have got used to it and wouldn't change it for the world, it's fine, at least my money doesn't go to killing innocent civilians, it doesn't come back to haunt my conscience, this is the way forward, to be honest I don't buy wear company brands why should I make advertisment for them for free, they should pay us to wear their brands not the other way around, that's the way I see it, there are no Mc Donalds or Burger Kings in Iran, we have Mc Ali and Mc Hosain just as fine who cares works for me, life is good but would be many times better when the Holy Land is liberated, that's the end goal, see you there God willing 🙏🌹
