Is Fox News Lying Again ?

Look if you're are an honest Christian if you have truly love for the Christ and a loyal follower of Jesus and a loyal viewer of Fox News and Newsmax you need to ask yourself this, how come none if these channels ever report in Zionist Israeli Jewish crimes against forget about the Muslims but the Christians in the Holy Land like when the Zionist Israelis close up Christian churches, block access to these first churches, when the Zionist Israelis insult spit and assault Christians and legislate laws to restrict access to holy places for Christians and Fox news Newsmax and the rest of them never ever report if how terrible the Zionist Israeli Jews are treating the Christians, could the answer to the question be that these Fox News anchors are more loyal to these same Zionist Israelis over the actual Christians and the sufferings of them, I am not even mentioning how the Muslims are treated by these Zionist Israelis but how they are doing to the Christians and Fox news is fully silent in fact as you can see here in this video they blame the Muslims on why the Christians are leaving the Holy Land and they lie about them all being treated equally, this is absolute disinformation, Fox news doesn't want you to learn the truth because the truth is not what matters, what matters is loyalty to Zionism, not Christianity and Christians but for Zionism, the synagog of Satan.
The true followers of the Christ and the Muslims are natural allies, because you will never hear any Muslim offend Jesus nor his mother, in fact Muslims have nothing but positive things to say about the Christ, think about this and rethink where your allies are, they are suffering by the hands of these same Zionists as Christians are.
