Israel Assassinated 97 Journalists In Gaza

This is absolutely outrageous with the Zionist terrorist regime bombing the houses of journalists in Gaza murdering everyone in the neighborhood with American gift to the Zionist regime in forms of never ending 2000 pound guided bombs and the mainstream media journalists are staying silent, what a betrayal of colleagues at work shame on them all, these mainstream so called journalists who keep hundreds of miles behind where the action is almost in another country where Gaza is pretending they are at the scene reading of a piece of paper what they have been given is not what I call journalists but more of crisis actors so of course they have no bond no connection to the real journalists on the ground reporting in what's going on, if I could go to Gaza myself I would have done it in a heartbeat but I can't so I do what I can for now, what I can do is to ask my friends to keep on reporting the Zionist terrorists regimes targeted assassination of the real holy fighters the real brave journalists doing the work they're doing.
