Israeli Sniper Murdered A Child Inside A Church Longside His Mother

This enrages me to once again hear the Zionist Israeli IDF terrorists snipe women and their children this time in a church, I need the world not to forget about its Not only the Zionist murderous Israeli settlers who are the problem but the members of IDF as well, there is no extinction between Zionist Israelis, they are all synagog of Satan, it's not that ine is perhaps better than the other one, they are all part of the same problem, I mean who would take their time to have women and their children in their scope and pull the trigger and murder them all, only a human devil would be this heartless and commit such crimes against humanity, I hope all world leaders who support this goes and stay in hellfire for eternity, that's where they belong.
I also urge all to start considering hitting back at Zionist interests making them pay a high financial price like our brothers the Houthies are doing, one leader among many that should be condemned is the dictator of Azarbaijan Ilham Aliyev, if he cut oil supply to the unholy entity of Israel, the war would end the next day, Ilham have the blood of all murdered Palestinians on his hand and for upkeep of the Zionist entity that has created chaos in the entire Islamic world, he is to blame more than most of these corrupt so called Muslim leaders, we need to overthrow all these traitors these supporters if synagog of Satan, this we must do afterwards the whole world will cheer us and thank us for freeing the whole world of this satanic Zionist ideologi, trust me on this.
