Jesus The Palestinian Jew

Believe you me if Jesus were here right now Fox News Newsmax and all its Zionist gang would have persecuted him because Jesus would have been anti Zionist but above that he would have been anti war pro health care for all and anti military industrial complex activist, and you know Fox News and the Zionists are all agents of this evil conspiracy agenda, you all are fully aware of what kind if phony conservative Christians those at Fox News Newsmax and the rest of them are because have you ever heard them mentioning even once on how the Zionists are persecuting Christians in Israel, not even once I have never seen that, the reason is they are first Zionist then on some lower level perhaps Christians at this level I don't even consider them as Christians at all, as I said they are Zionists first then something else meaning they are supporters backers allies of Synagog of Satan first then something else and that something else doesn't count for anything anymore.
I hope we have Christians out there recognizing the truth of the matter and I hope more Jews realize the danger they're in because of the poisonous pill they have swallowed the sooner they spit out and get rid of this poison the sonner they can save themyand their kin, Zionism in any form a milder version ir the extreme side of it is equally destructive nonetheless, there is only one solution and it starts with peoples from all faiths uniting universally to weaken first then finally get rid of and remove this cancerous tumor once and for all, you all have seen how the Zionists have brainwashed their citizens from young to old something we haven't seen in modern times before perhaps for the Nazis in Germany but that was 75 years ago it shouldn't happen today but still we can see crazy feels entitled to stir up chaos whenever it feels like it, just like how the Nazis were defeat by united peoples so we must do it all over again this time against the Zionist movement.
