Losing The Narrative


You would have at this point fully come to the conclusion that the Zionist Israelis seek the utter destruction of anything Palestinian and I am telling you, they won't rest or get sadisfied with the Holy Land only, these satanic creatures won't rest till they have initiated a major war between other religions that would ultimately lead to WW3, in order to stop this we have to get ahead if their game by shutting the Zionists down right there in the Holy Land before this cancerous tumor do what it was intended to do devastate the world.
I clips after clips you have seen how evil and genocidal these Zionists Israelis are, a group that cannot speak the truth and lies about just about anything right in your face tells you these evil creatures live in their own little bubble world totally confined in their own close space with no desire to integrate with the rest of the world unless they need you to advance their satanic agenda then they seek out to be heard and even then as you all can see these dumb creatures are so fed with their own propaganda that they expect the rest of the world to make sense of their racist mindset which is backfireing at them each time they show their faces to the public but still do it because of the massive brainwashing they have been put through, they're made to believe the world revolves around them only and they also have been made to believe they are semitic, look a more brainwashed a more conducted group of people have never been recorded before I think, so the question is who is behind this massive conspiracy that have been made these people fall for everything it made them to believe, it's a good question isn't it, whatever this force is that made this group of people fall for it has to be powerful of course and it's only one force I can think of in this case that can pull such a conspiracy off, it's Satan, it is this same Devil that the Jews do not believe it exists, the Jews don't believe in Satan it's excluded from their Torah, the Jews are made also to believe there is no Hell but only Paradise, they are made to believe regardless what they do in this life God will still reward them and send them all to Paradise, how convenient, no consequences for any evil actions, I say the save Devil that excluded himself from the real Torah is the same Eblis that has made the Jews dance to his tune all this time and turned them into the Synagog of Satan.
If you are a Jew, you need to open your mind for many things not explained to you, I sure di not want any harm to come to you this is why I am insisting to wake you up to reality and pull you away from those who actually are harming you and the worst is still to come especially if you live in the Holy Land, I suggest you leave that military base as soon as you can and join the Resistance movements the best you can to combat this evil Zionist movement so help you God with blessings in the future, good luck.
