Miss Lindsey Grayhamm


I never saw a homosexual beta male a chicken hawks a pussy of a boy an old hag yes he's a hag because he waer a vagina being so tough as he is, I always wondered, real fighters people that have seen war being in war brave men and women would be such warmongers like these cowards beta male who want to send other peoples kids to fight their wars die for their cause, these people like he are traitors to their countries for inflicting such heave cost on their people and country they should be in jail instead Fox News and even liberal media are promoting these traitors thinking they can be if good use.
Look I am not going to take the bait and start trashing America and take side that way, I if course wouldn't want to see any countries go to war and be the cause of innocent civilians on either side getting hurt, something this old bastard have no regards for, if you think this old haggish beta male have any care even for his own people you are dead wrong, he serve something incredibly dark and sinister this human devil and those sitting around him there are not better themselves they're all the same, satanic folks, they're all destined for hell they just can't see that far, in hell they're gonna get all the chaos their dark hearts desired with interest for wishing death and destruction in innocent people, God guides whomever He wants and those He neglect for being of such bad character will stray lost, it is said those who end up in hell will not recognize his brother if he stood next to him, what a terrifying end awaits for these you see in this clip, good.
