Price Hike In Israel !

I got very upset when I saw the Zionist terrorist Israeli IDF writing the names of Cenk and other good guys on the shells they are about to drop on the heads of the innocent Palestinian civilians, these things will not be forgotten especially when the spokesman of the terror organization IDF when asked joked about it, we will not forget and we'll not forgive these Zionist Israelis, having said that as Cenk pointed out as so many people before, the Zionist murderous Israeli lobby in the UShas a strangle hold over the American politicians, perhaps Epstein had something to do with it, it is also time to start revolting against these Zionist agents in charge of your countries, we have the momentum to make life miserable for them and the Houthies are leading the way for all of us, they must be supported absolutely, after all they are only targeting shipments related to the Zionist terrorist regime I don't see why that would be a problem it's a good thing not a bad thing and things that are good had to be cheered on if you ask me, I only love good things happening and what is more good than making sure the Zionist murderous Israeli regime not sleep good at night till the day they are wiped out, in this fight we need as many good Jews long side the rest of the world with us, this will benefit them greatly as well, and if you're a religious Jew I hope you have come to the conclusion that this imposter the Zionist regime is NOT the Holy state of Israel, the real Holy state of Israel will emerge after this satanic imposter is promoted to hell fire, look I am just stating the facts here and most of you know I am telling the truth and the sooner we get our acts together and see the wolf in sheep's clothing the sooner we can restart order to the world we are living in.
