Surprise Surprise ! Fox News Is Surprised

You at Fox News can pretend you are surprised with the young people not buying your old rhetorics around how innocent Zionism is, how you never start wars and stage false flags here and there and you can pretend that there are no Jewish student groups not standing up to your Zionist agenda among the many demonstrations out in streets, you can pretend just waking up to these facts that the younger generations are not as dumb and ignorant as you wished them to be, you can pretend people are not united you can pretend all you want it doesn't change the facts on the ground, the cat is as you say out if the box and good luck catching it, it's fact light on its feets it dance like a butterfly and stings like a motherfucker you never seen before.
This is just the beginning, I have a healthy advice for you, and I say this because I love American people, both the loonies on the left and the loonies on the right but more or less in live with the awakened ones over there, my advice for the crazies is to quickly adjust to the new reality this is better for you it's better for everyone, you can't stop what's coming you can only lose or join by being adjustable and being good guys there are only two ways out if this which of these two options you chose for you path forward is up to you.

The world wants to live in peace with one another in peace with nature and more importantly in peace with the Creator, and if you come in between these, you will definitely be among the loosers, we are not afraid of your weapons, we have entered a new reality where death doesn't scare us we are way pass that buddy, I hope you understand, so be nice and things will be just fine.
