Thank You Fox News

I never heard Hamas threatening US or British interests, why are you lying again Fox News, why can't you be truthful about anything you out out there, I have heard Hamas saying they will equally threaten Zionist interests after the war crimes committed against them which you at Fox News are denying gaslighting and straight up misleading people about, nobody have heard Hamas say target US and British interests, you human devils at Fox News perhaps hear voices in your heads you should check yourselves because obviously there is something wrong with you, well the whole world knows there is something seriously wrong with you when your soulless corpses get joyful when you see Zionist Israeli snipers blow the heads of children and t mothers next to them, you are one disgusting warmongering Neocon creatures I'll can tell you that, at the same time I have to thank you for revealing your true demon faces for the whole to see what hides under that facade of yours.

I want to take the opportunity for all readers never ever to commit any terrorist attacks anywhere in the US or Britain or anywhere else but in the unholy imposter apartheid regime occuping the Holy Land, the only things you can do is against Zionist interests that's all nothing else, if you do anything but you have dishonored the Resistance movements and you don't wanna do that.
