The Blessed Jews

As you can see for yourselves there are apparently Jews that lit looks like they believe Satan exist, I hope it's not just a word they threw out there but actually believe is what they said, I know that the mainstream Jewish scholars do not believe Satan this Devil exist as the primary enemy of Adam and his children but more of a guy that questioned the wisdom of the Creator innocently, but not these good rabbis it seems which is a good thing, because it's good to know your primary enemy so that we do not underestimate it's capabilities, I am not worried he is going to lose anyway, and also as you can see these are Ashkenazi Jews, as I have said, I don't mind anyone identifying from any race with any religion, this is your God given right and if you are an European Ashkenazi that want to be recognized as a Jew this is perfectly fine as anyone can, the issues begin when you say God promised the Holy Land 3000 years ago now that you have converted to Judaism, this is when we are going to have a problem and a major one, I hope you understand, as I said I have identified the problem to be satanic one, this satanic ideologi is the one behind all this we have today, it's mainly a spiritual battle and the cure to it in my view is a spiritual awakening.
These Ashkenazis rabbis you see the way I see it has to be one of Gods favorites, this is the kind of awakened people He likes to have, to separate between the awakened and those who like to remain sleepwalking among His creation, this is why He created us, to give us all that we possibly need for us to decide who we would like to evolve, into kind smart compassionate human being or at best glorified monkeys and behave as such, the question is which one would you like to be, choosing the right but the more difficult one or the easy way out which have its own problems as well it's not as easy to remain ignorant of things it always comes back to haunt you one way or the other specially athe later stage when evil is defeated and you wake up realizing you were on the losing side which as I said will come with a hefty price tag in this life and specially next.
