Zionist Israel Wants You !


It's not Khizbola you dirty devil, it's Hezbollah, and it's not your borders, your borders are in Hell where you shall be evicted to you Khazars, you are not from the Holy Land, you are outsiders you don't belong here you are occupiers so when hell are you to say where the Lebanese shall go or not, you occupied part of their lands too, you are the ones that must and will forced to piss of and be used as sharkfood or just use you as fertilizer monkey boy.
This war you initiated is costing you 450 million a day that's over 30 billion dollars so far, I wonder how long you can keep up this strongman facade of yours lol or you though you could just send the bill to the US tax payers to bell you out, well it remains to bee seen if the American people get fooled this time around too or tell you to go and fuck yourselves like they did with Ukraine, asshole.
