Zionist Israeli Settlers


Back in the days till today everywhere except for what's going on in the Holy Land two competing groups fought each other over a piece of land, one group claimed the land is theirs and the others claimed the land is there's and they went to war over this piece of land, what's going on in the Holy Land is nothing like we have learned in history books before, here we have Ukrainians Russians Polish and so on people forcing themselves in the Holy Land in the Middle East and claim God gave this piece of land to them 3000 years ago, these invaders do not care they have genetically no connection to the Holy Land whatsoever, they now have convinced themselves they are Hebrews from Middle East, these white blond blue eyed people have been made to believe they are Iraqis, Prophet Abraham and Prophet Jacob AKA Israel were Iraqis, I mean I understand why they do this, in Ukraine in Russia in Poland nobody wanted them there for what the troubles they caused there and here comes this Zionist satanic movement telling them they will get armed and financed and all the land they need if they pack up and move to the Holy Land and kick the original inhabitants out of their homes and the more brutal they get the bigger rewards they receive, this is what's going on right now, and the corrup world leaders under the spell of Zionism this evil satanic movement are backing this luciferian agenda with no shame as long as they get paid and get their balls massaged and all the attention they need like whores they are, yes YOU are a whore don't deny it, that's the way 99% of the world sees you, and let me tell you this, the Holy Land WILL get liberated and YOU will go down in the history books for the whore you are, fuck you and all like you, final victory belongs to us, you wanna bet ??

At the same time I want to say this, if you are born into this satanic Zionist movement and used your free will and sence to differentiate between justice and oppression and chosen the right path, you are the kind of person I am looking for because in my vision you had one foot in hell and came to your sences that that's not your place and you by your own decided to surround yourself with better people outside your own, in my view you are the best person in the world and I if I knew you would do anything for you, I would value your life more than myself, who you were supposed to be should not be decided to whom or where you were born, you decide who you are supposed to be with your own free will, I hope you make the right decision, good luck.
