Are You Ready

I have seen the tentacles of Zionism in every single county in the world active as any, because when it comes to finances they all speak the same universal language of corruption it doesn't matter where you are it's all the same, if this makes you lose hope in the future of rectifying something I do understand why it is very discouraging but as the old man said as long as there is life there is hope I understood the meaning of it at sea and here we're today on uncertain land like nothing has changed, what I am saying is get used to an up hill battle which is the truth meaning of life here then God goes to say only a disbeliever loses hope and I hope none of you are disbelievers.
We need to make extra efforts to defeat Zionism this is the right path forward.
I also urge you never to use Palestine when you're referring to the Holy Land, because both parties are nationalistic in nature something that has proven to be most problematic and finally destructive we don't need that, we need to go back to the roots of it which has been the path prescribed, a Holy Land for those who uses their sense of logic and reasoning, finally my understanding is God will only bless a cause if the supporters of that cause are in tuned with at least the basics of what He had prescribed, I think if we follow that path He will pay us a bit extra attention, because think about it, He has all the time and patience in the world, He doesn't need us, He doesn't need anything in His creation, He doesn't need our prayers or anything else, His creation need Him to sustain itself, I think He will turn the table around when there is at least a general understanding of what needs to be done and not a moment sooner.

So repeat after me, the Holy Land will be free from river to the sea !! But we won't stop there either, we need to take it as far as it needs to go, so help us God.
