Boycott Israel Now !

Boycotting the Zionist regime is of absolute first priority we all must in a serious way continue, I would even go to say we must boycott any brand active in the Zionist terrorist Israeli entity, and we must be vocal about it.
But none of these matters much when the Zionist controlled Azarbaijan is supplying the Zionist terrorists with oil to kill Muslims, and I don't understand why the Turks allow their territory to be used for Azarbaijani oil to reach the Zionist terrorists, this is beyond belief, look one cannot go on to the streets on Turkey demonstrating against the Zionists while on the other hand you supply them with the fuel for their military to kill Muslims, this is beyond hypocrisy, the Turks need to stop giving the Zionists the means to kill Muslims, is it really worth s couple of millions you are receiving from this unholy affair with the Synagog of Satan?? is it ? 
I don't think any of these demonstrations means anything till you have stopped helping the Zionist terrorists with the energy to fuel their murderous satanic Israeli machines that are costing not just the Palestinians their lives but also wrecking havoc all over the Middle East and beyond, you Turks could end this tomorrow if you stopped being greedy and cut the oil supply to the enemy of mankind and the Synagog of Satan that had occupied the Holy Land.
Please get your acts together and do what you should have done from day one, how many more Muslims does it have to die before you come to your sences ?? 
Again is a couple of millions really worth the lives of so many innocent peoples lives, you will be questioned on the Day of Judgement, I wouldn't want to be the leader of Turkey on that day that's for sure, but if you reverse back on the right path I am sure God will also show be merciful.
