Dear Friends !

I hope you like myself have been proven the Biden regime is too dangerous to be granted a second term in office, with all these wars and devastation he has caused in his first term in office I don't want to know what else he can cause in his second and final term in office, he could very well start WW3, I am very concerned about it, as I hope you have understood what I personally stand for by now, I am not loyal to any particular country, I have stopped worshiped this leader or that leader something you should consider too, what I stand loyal to is to the good side of mankind, I have recognized our enemies beside Eblis are the human devils, you can call them globalist because they like myself are not loyal to any particular country too, we on this side need to think like they do but stand on the good side, we lado have to think not locally but globally as well if we are going to have any chance to defeat them, these globalist want to keep us fighting and arguing within local boundaries while they are busy thinking bigger, if we out minor politics aside on issues if who need to pay for medicare or not and with what taxes or not among other issues, I suggest you look at the big picture first, I say with them globalists finally defeated, we'll have more than enough money to spend on things to improve society while cutting down taxes to much lower than today, you all know how wasteful these globalist are, they're sucking us dry and you know it, so what can we do about it now you ask, there is only one solution, that is regardless if you are on the right or left you all need to speak in a manner to reach out to the other side and see how you can on this major issue can do something, take care if this issue first then go to politics as usual, it takes brave and smart people in both sides to take the first step and I hope there are enough of you brave and intelligent people to get something going here, if I were you on any side I would have spoken on no other issues but this one, I mean it nothing else but this one because I hope you understand in what grave danger we all are in with these human devils, but politics your religions whatever else aside and focus only on this on how to unite against this Evil, good luck

And we have to seriously on the US side and elsewhere too start thinking about a third party or just stop voting, the none voter party is a party in itself, that's why I get so disappointed at third party candidates, they know they have no chance of winning, wouldn't it better for all of these candidates to tell their followers not to vote at all to let the System know there is an unofficial party outside what they have constructed, this corrupt System of theirs and when you have gone mainstream with your unofficial none voter party when you have the numbers when they cannot ignore you anymore then you can elect a representative to drive your cause, so make this unofficial none voter party your priority, good luck.
