Destructive Nonetheless

This really pisses me off, listen to this Ashkenazi Khazar fake Jew thinking he's so logical and reasonable who wants all the Palestinians off the Holy Land because this piece of Talmud thinks God gave the Holy Land to the Khazars who have have zero semitic DNA in them and they know it we all know that.
I state my view on this again, I consider the Zionist Israeli IDF a terrorist organization, I also consider the Zionist settlers young and old as terrorists I also don't think anyone should negotiate with any terrorists, they must be dealt with in the harshest manner possible, these Zionist Ashkenazis are not from the Middle East and must be send back to the sea where they came from, I say this again, I consider the anti Zionist Ashkenazis some of the best and bravest people around, I love them very much and I would do anything for them I could, because they acknowledge the facts of what is what and who is who it's very important, now if they want to subscribe to Judaism this is absolutely fine by me but I would advise them not to consider themselves as Jews because being Jewish means you are a Semite which the Ashkenazis are not while subscribing to any particular faith is something completely different, no white person reverting to Islam would consider himself or herself as an Arab, you get the picture I hope, the fact is who made the Ashkenazis believe they're semitic, if the Ashkenazis have problem with anyone they should start going back in their history and do some research of what happened and who tricked them to lose their true identity, it wasn't the poor Palestinians that's for sure, so their anger should be directed elsewhere, I say this again, I believe a major war is coming soon and I believe unlike some out there that the Zionists will fall and fall hard, it will be a blood bath with the Zionists losing those remaining will be at the mercy of the true Resistance movement, at that time the Zionist in captivity will be shown these same clips and statements of these arrogant Zionists what will happen to them then is hard to predict to be honored, I am sure the sheer anger of people can be so great that they will end the last one of those Zionists left, but again it's hard to say right now, perhaps mercy will be granted and send them back to the sea and watch which country is willing to take them in, personally I don't think there will be anyone because of the shame they will bring on themselves and perhaps sanctions will follow as result but who knows, one thing is for damn sure, these Zionist demonic Israelis are out of their minds and they must be treated as the grave danger they're to any lands because of their destructive nature.
