Did You Know...........


I didn't know that by law in Israel you couldn't do a DNA test to see where you came from, it goes to prove what Jesus said, they will say they are Jews but not they are lying, this proves that there is a certain group within the Zionist regime that knows the truth that they are not from this part of the world but yet insisting to stir up trouble by starting WW3 to please their dark overlord which Jesus said was Satan, it doesn't mean that all the Ashkenazis are directly satanists but indirectly without knowing what is going on they do his work, the final goal of Satan is to force the Abrahamic faiths mutually finishing one another off, this is their goal this is what they're working towards, these satanists are not just active within the Jews but within the Muslims and Christians too, it's a global conspiracy this is what people are missing but as much as these luciferians conspire to reach their goals we are active exposing their satanic plans as well, personally I think these luciferians will get their plans through and God will let them do this as punishment for our ignorance, I believe God has been more than merciful towards us by hindering these luciferians to get to their will sooner by buying us more time to get our acts together and realize in what grave danger we are in but ultimately not enough of us will reach this conclusion and therefore has to deal with the consequences of our deeds but then out of the ashes of those who remain will something good arises but I am sorry to say the punishment by our own hands I must add again is around the corner and will afflict us all but as God has stated, even if you know the Judgment Day is tomorrow you need to plant your tree today and that's what we are doing because every soul saved gives mankind a better chance to rise up on its feet again when everything is said and done, the lesson today is for you to know who your mortal enemy is, good luck 
