Dutarte Hooked On Heroin


Son of a bitch Dutarte murdered 40 000 drug addicts over the same drugs he is addicted and misusing himself, he should be executed for his hypocrisy no doubt.

The war on drugs in Phillipines share the same resemblance as in many other corrupt countries, it's always the higher ups that are controlling the drug trade same in Phillipines, while I was locked up in Phillipines for a year which they're gonna pay for btw with God help I met many heavy drug dealers in that hellhole, and all if them we're saying the same thing that the reason Dutarte and his thugs went after the drug dealers is not what you have been hearing in media, Dutarte was going to take over the drug trade in southern Phillipines where he is from where he have his base, so he sent his thugs to kill the opposition, that's the real story behind it, I have seen with my own eyes a video it's on the internet where his corrupt cops goes into a club with automatic guns and murder everyone there without questioning anything, later we were told that the leader of that restaurant club had ignored Dutartes offer for collaboration so he killed everyone there including guests, he should be in trial but never will because he know too much, and now we find out he's hooked on heroin too, and remember he had 90% approval rating by his ignorant people, I mean what do you say to that.
