Fake Jews


Just shut your disgusting mouth, you are a Ashkenazi Khazar, you have zero semitic blood in you while Rashida is a real semite, YOU Zionists are the real enemies of the Semites in fact you're the enemy of humanity look around you the whole world hates you, even the homosexual community hates you while you do everything to attract them still they oppose you Zionists and taking the side of the Muslims, what does it say about you Zionists then, it tells me you live in your close Zionist Israeli bubble sleepwalking yourselves to destruction, in time and that's very soon even the worst of mankind will give your hiding place away saying, there is a Zionist Israeli hiding there go and get them, you are even off putting to your own younger generation, you are too embarrassing for them to be associated with you crazy Zionists.
Personally I would give up all treasures of the world to see the day you are sent back to hell where you Synagog of Satan human devils came out of.
