Fire Them All

With the Hindus murdering gang raping harrassing indian Muslims who built that country basically and now supporting the Zionist terrorist apartheid regime I suggest all Hindus in Muslim countries there for work must the deported and only Muslim indians allowed to stay work and earn money, if you have a Hindu employee from India if I were you I would have fired them, it's only fair, we know 95% of the Hindus share these ideas we see in the video so we have to judge them collectively on this issue.
Make sure this idea get across to employers in the Middle Eastern countries and do the oppressed indian Muslims some justice this way, you owe them this, you know how the Hindus are treating them with massmurder gang rapes and the authorities there do not lift a finger to stop these crimes, so it comes to us to act on our own, don't sitt passive on this if you're reading it, make a campaign of this, if you on your own cannot deport them Hindus but if you have hired any of them then it's in your power to hire a Muslim indian instead or anyone else only no Hindus, let them go drink cow piss to cool down roll in shit and worship rats monkeys cows and at best evil demons, I can say more but I think it's enough for now.
