For New Accounts

I am very excited to see so many Jews reverting back to the only religion that will outlast time, but I have an advice to the new reverts from other cultures, what you need to be reminded of is, Islam is not an Arabic religion, absolutely nothing against Arabs don't get me wrong here, in fact if you ask Arabs they would say the same thing as I just did, my advice for the reverts us this, you need to be reminded that you reverted back to Islam you didn't adopt Arab culture, you don't have to chayyour given names by your parents, instead honor your parents and keep the name you were given by them, you also got need to all of the sudden dress like Arabs from Arabia or UAE or like a Pakistani, instead dress like you did before just modestly that's all, don't rush into things take your time, if I were you I wouldn't pay attention to any hadiths too, because 95% of those preaching hadiths are confused about what they're saying themselves, you will certainly get mislead if you go that route, just keep what God has said in the Quran where He said He made this religion easy for you so don't complicate things keep it simple, I say to you not to change your name or dress differently so that you don't make yourself a stanger in the eyes of your family and friends, do not alienate yourself, instead show them how Islam have improved you as a person, do not offend those around you in anyway, in anyway !! and do not go into the politics of sects, it's forbidden according to Quran it's stated very clearly in it, if you are around those Muslims who speaks badly about other sects move away from them they will have bad influence on you which you don't need, do not look for s Muslim to marry either, take your time with that, instead try to revert another soul along your journey, you will have a much better relationship with that person over a Muslim from any of these Middle Eastern countries, 99% of them do not understanding Islam like you as a revert does trust me, they think they do but not many of them, their culture is more important than Islam for them, again trust me on this, go your own way and rest assured God will keep you company you're not alone you're in better hands this way trust me I know, now go with peace you can do it.
Again keep it simple !
