Hello Friends !


Watch this with Hannity the Hannibal and tell me he's not out if his damn mind becyu have a response to his nonsense.

To start with what should be our first objective here for all my friends in the US and around the world, incase you have forgotten let me remind you my friend, our absolute first objective is to prevent wars for obvious reasons, and more importantly prevent the great nation of US and it is indeed great to get into another war with anyone, as it unfortunately has come to today is the fact that the US have lost its sovereignty to the globalists who recognize no borders or honor any flags if anyone, they have their own hidden flag (of Satan) they're loyal to, and these globalists are using the great might of US to drive their own agendas, they're using Americans, we have to be the counter balance to this evil conspiracy and finally we have to come in top of this and become victorious.
I am going to explain in absolute simplest terms on how I see things are developing with regard to other nations, for a couple of decades specifically after the end of the Cold War the US became the sole super power and this made some warmongers in the US extremely arrogant now wanting to repeat what they did with the Soviets to other rising nations, I don't think the same recipe works everywhere, today we have nations like China on the rise and Russia with its nuclear arsenal is going nowhere regardless how much energy the Neocons and their twin Neoliberalis they inject in this project of theirs, the way I see it is China and other nations but let's start with China first, China is like a fast growing teenager in puberty, I want to talk about something called schoolyard diplomacy, you have this classmate China growing like fuck, he's scary you and your buddies think next year this kid China will become a bully and in your minds you think it's better to bully him first this year to the extend that he remains scared from you, or you would think you better starve this kid from growing bigger weakening him that way preventing him to become stronger, you and your buddies know deep down none of these ideas would work as intended, because this kid China have friends a couple of strong friends himself, now they're two groups in the classroom and they can't escape from one another, so wouldn't it be better to invite this group to the party next week and create a nice atmosphere instead or do you want to go the way of these pussy ass punks like Miss Grayhamm Hannity and their little following who are scared of going home alone after school cus the pussies they're, these who stand farthest back in a fight cheering you on to fight their battles, you know they're up to no good anyway they always cause trouble conspire to go after him or that while they are to scared to stand on the front line themselves, I think kids in school have the best strategy dealing with issues like this, or have you forgotten how you were in that age, you were much more diplomatic back then I know I was, the bottom line is you can't prevent anything it's better not to make enemies, school yard diplomacy think about it a little bit it works l, it's better this way, there will always be no good kids and watch how it ended up with them, I said I would speak in absolute simplest terms, I hope I made sense.
