Here We Go Again

The man just doesn't want to preach Scripture, God has called homosexuality a manifest sin it doesn't get clearer than that and hell is the punishment for that clear sin, but all this aside, I want to turn to my Catholic friends, you don't need to get your answers from anyone but what's in the Books, you know yourself what is good and sustainable or not, you know what is not sustainable will never get pass the gate into Paradise, you know that, and I hope you know there won't be any homosexuals in Paradise it's not blessed there and sure enough it's not blessed here either so how come this pope is going against Scriptures on so many points, we have to look to prophecies which said in the end times Eblis the Devil will walk the halls of Vatican himself, I believe we are at that point today, I believe pope is afraid of someone there, I believe God has abounded pope to his own fate, he is now unprotected and he knows it so he have given up and turned himself totally to the Dark One, because remember the privious pope just packed up and left in hurry, he didn't want any part of what is going on but this pope Francis he jumped head first in for the position, I am warning you dear Catholics, the Vatican is compromised it's walls have fallen and something demonic is dwelling there now, this is what prophecies told us will happen and it has happened, you can only turn to God for protection and guidance, not Jesus but his Father who is our Father too sort of speak, that's the One you should turn to in times of uncertainty like right now, we are living in very crucial times very exciting times where many challenges will have to be confronted and with this I wish you all the best in discovering the truth and by that earn your salvation, good luck.
